Tuesday, June 14, 2005

open email opt in/out

hey guys,

i recently recieved some pretty negative feedback/criticism from someone on my email list about my journal emails. i currently have 150-odd people on my email list, friends and family from home, and people who i've met travelling who I consider good friends, but i have no idea who this was, because they set up a bogus email address and hurled the abuse at me from there.

this doesn't faze me in the least (its kinda funny actually - especially the lengths they've gone to remain anonymous!), as i've also recieved a fair number of emails from folk saying how much they enjoy my travel tales. but it does bring me to the point where I recognise that maybe not everyone is interested, some may think they're too long, others may not have time to read them. that's fine.

So, i'll say to all of you - if you no longer want to recieve my emails journals, that's fine - email me back, and I'll remove you from my journal list. No hard feelings. This way, two purposes are served - one; my list is trimmed down to those who actually are interested in recieving them, and two; whoever the anonymous abuser is, who obviously doesn't want me to know who they are, can be removed without me knowing absolutely definitively who they are...

To quote someone famous: "speak up now, or forever hold yer peace!!"I look forward to (not) hearing from you ;-)

cheers, tony

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